Welcome to Barbenheimer, a crisis committee that thrusts delegates into an alternate reality where the iconic world of Barbie collides with the scientific challenges of the Manhattan Project during World War II. In 1942, J. Robert Oppenheimer and his team, amidst conducting atomic bomb tests, inadvertently triggered a mysterious event that transported them to Barbieland. Simultaneously, Barbie and her fellow residents were abruptly thrust into the real world, finding themselves amidst the chaos of war.
Now, as delegates in Barbenheimer, participants take on the roles of various scientists and Barbies, each with unique skills and perspectives. The committee's primary objective is twofold: first, to devise a way for Oppenheimer and his team to return to their own timeline, and second, to navigate the unfamiliar, war-torn world they find themselves in without casualties. Delegates must collaborate, strategize, and utilize their individual strengths to overcome the challenges of war and interdimensional travel.
Olivia Ginnetti
Yana Parkhimovich
Crisis Staff
Candice Zhong
Masha Rudak
Crisis Staff
Thomas Manusmuci
Crisis Director
Chelsea Sun
Crisis Staff
Cleo Dewolfe
Assistant Crisis Director